19500490_SMost people cook their own food at least a few times a week, and making your own meals at home is one of the best ways to both stay healthy and save money. Unfortunately, cooking is one of the leading causes of home fires and injuries. On the bright side, just about every type of cooking fire is caused by human error and can be prevented if the proper safety measures are taken.


There are a few general safety guidelines you should follow any time you decide to cook or grill food. First of all, don’t use the stove if you are feeling sleepy or have consumed a lot of alcohol. Even though your stove and oven may have automatic safety features in place, you still need to be on alert. In addition, once you start cooking, you shouldn’t leave the kitchen until you are finished. Don’t leave open flames unattended, and don’t try to cook too many things at once without any help. Of course, if you are baking something in the oven, you don’t have to stand and watch the timer for hours.


One of the best things you can do to avoid cooking fires is to keep flammable material away from the cooking area. This includes several common items that may be in your kitchen like wooden utensils, towels, and oven mitts. If you need to use any of these items, do so carefully and don’t place them near the stove.

In the event that a fire does break out, leave the area immediately and call your local emergency services. If you follow reasonable safety procedures while cooking, you will hopefully never be in this situation. Now, stay safe, and don’t forget to enjoy your next cooking experience!

Davis-Ulmer Sprinkler Company is your local fire protection company in the Northeast region.  We have been in the fire protection business for over 70 years and have provided fire protection equipment for businesses and homes alike.  Whether it is new construction or retrofitting an existing building, Davis-Ulmer will help you design, install, and service a fire protection system that will give you the fire protection you need.  Contact us today for more information.