New Jersey Legislators Aim to Make Homes Safer

We’ve talked several times about the importance of having fire sprinkler systems in not only commercial buildings, but residential properties as well. We’re happy to see that many areas of the country seem to be getting the message, although things are not changing as quickly as we would like. The main reason that people aren’t…

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Little Known Facts about Fires

At Davis Ulmer Sprinkler Company, we strive to provide our clients with as many resources as possible when it comes to preventing and putting out fires. We believe that knowledge is power, and learning and understanding as much as possible about fire could help you better protect yourself and others in your home or business.…

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Unexpected Fire Hazards

If you’re a property owner, you’re likely aware of the major appliances in your home that are potential fire hazards. However, there are typically dozens of items in every property that can just as easily start a fire that most people never even think about. We strive to give you the tools and knowledge you…

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Prevent Your Sprinkler System from Freezing

As we move into the coldest parts of winter throughout many areas of the country, we’d like to take some time to talk about fire sprinkler freeze-ups and how to prevent them. In certain situations, a properly working sprinkler system can be the difference between massive property damage and even loss of life during a…

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Preventing Cooking Fires

Most people cook their own food at least a few times a week, and making your own meals at home is one of the best ways to both stay healthy and save money. Unfortunately, cooking is one of the leading causes of home fires and injuries. On the bright side, just about every type of…

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What Are the Three Major Causes for Office Fires?

Office Fires

With approximately 6,000 office fires in the United States each year, having a fire safety plan for your business is absolutely essential. The three major causes for office fires are arson, smoking materials in areas where smoking is permitted, and wiring and appliance malfunctions. AN EFFECTIVE FIRE SAFETY PLAN WILL HELP SAVE LIVES In order…

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How to Maintain Smoke Alarms

Fire Detector

Often the simplest fire detection and prevention tools are the ones that save the most lives, which is my smoke detectors and alarms are so important. However, even if you have multiple detectors installed throughout your property, they are useless unless they are working properly. Even if you believe your detectors are on and working,…

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